Black on Track is excited to welcome Latoya Ming as the senior contributor for our personal and professional development content. We truly believe that Latoya’s insights and knowledge will be of great value to all of our readers and look forward to working with her.
Latoya Ming (She/Her)
Performance Strategist and Coach
Latoya Ming is a thought leader and facilitator who specializes in Sustainable Transformational Change, Cultural Competence and Personal Development. Described as inspirational, engaging, and thought-provoking, Latoya Ming’s approach provides practical strategies, grounded in global research and case studies, proven to foster high performance.
As the principal consultant at LMCC Latoya Ming draws from over 10 years of experience in the corporate space where she has successfully created and implemented talent strategies that have lasting impacts and outcomes. With a systematic approach and utilizing assessments such as:
- Clifton Strengths
- Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
- ADEPT-15
- 360 Leadership
she empowers her clients to become aware of, understand and affectively use their strengths to achieve their goals.
Latoya Ming’s work is inspired by an interest in human potential and the simple idea that each person has the power within themselves to curate the life they desire.
To learn more visit www.latoyaming.com |IG @Latoya.Ming |facebook.com/LatoyaMingInc