Black on Track’s wheels are finally in motion. The name Black on Track (BoT), a not so subtle play on “back on track”, sums up the ultimate goal for this site. While we no doubt recognize the many achievements of black people within our community and around the world, we also recognize the struggles many may have in the following key areas:
- Personal Finance
- Personal and Professional Growth & Development
- Health and Wellness
By partnering with knowledgeable individuals and organizations, our goal is to make useful information and resources readily available to the black community. The sharing of knowledge through short, easily digestible posts, will be key to the ongoing success of black youth and young adults for generations to come.
The arts (including culinary, music, dance, theatre and visual) have always been integral part of of our community. These aspects of our culture have also been widely accepted by the broader communities we find ourselves in, quite often more than us as individuals. BoT’s goal is to drive collaboration between artists and introduce young black Canadians to a variety of artistic mediums to express themselves creatively.
With these goals in mind, what better way to decide what type of content is most needed than to ask the readers. Please take a moment to let us know what topics you have the most interest in by answering the poll below. We look forward to supporting all of you and growing together.
– BoT Team
Love the concept – Here for all of this! Looking forward to more from the BoT Team!